TradOnline is also responsible for numerous industrial and engineering projects. These are technical texts that are characterised by precise terminology and consequently require a specialist translation service. We contract translators with the specific knowledge and skills to complete all the engineering and industry related projects.
Precision and experience. TradOnline was born with the aim of offering the highest quality translation service and in the complex area of industry and engineering there is no exception. Poorly translated technical files, patents or security documents not only affect the image of your company but also in industry where the stakes are high, it poses a safety risk and so we treat translations in this field with the utmost respect.
What areas do we specialise in?
The areas in which we have worked most extensively are:
- Electricity and electronics
- Motor industry
- Metal industry
- Automation
- Mechanics industry
A selection of the documents we have previously translated:
- Instructions
- Patents
- Security documents
- Tender offers
- Reports